Who’ll open the mouth?
Pumpkin, broccoli, tomato, carrot...Let them introduce themselves and stir our imagination!
With rice and beans on a humorous ride, who won’t open their mouth wide? (Just for exhibition)
Pumpkin, broccoli, tomato, carrot...Let them introduce themselves and stir our imagination!
With rice and beans on a humorous ride, who won’t open their mouth wide? (Just for exhibition)
Introducing vegetables to children is not always an easy task. But with this little story that will be fun and games. The book, 100% interactive, presents charades and surprises. In the first place, fun rhymes will help children learn about each vegetable. Then they are asked to guess what character is opening their mouth wide! And what is most interesting, as they turn the pages, chopped vegetables come into the character’s wide-open mouths. At the end, a big surprise will fascinate kids. Just read and find out!
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