A School On The Moon
Imagine studying in a school where everyone is different from you. But not just a little… Strikingly different! Everyone has felt like an outcast at least once in life, right?
Saiba MaisImagine studying in a school where everyone is different from you. But not just a little… Strikingly different! Everyone has felt like an outcast at least once in life, right?
Saiba MaisIn order to discuss bullying and help prevent it, we will join Malu, daughter of astronaut parents, in an intergalactic journey. On a day trip to the Moon, Malu causes a short circuit in the family rocket. Not being able to come back, she enrolls in an alien school! Surrounded by slimy, weird, super powerful creatures, Malu is seen as the class weirdo! What is it like to make friends with such different beings? Everyone has felt like an outcast at least once in life, right?
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